Will's Guide to SPAM

What is SPAM?

SPAM is unsolicited bulk email, you know; all that junk that you get when you look in your inbox advertising porn sites, get rich quick schemes, penis enlargements and cures for everything from cancer to baldness!

However some of these emails may be from companies or opganisations who you agreed to receive email from or it can be from companies that they gave / sold your information to. Hopefully they will not do this if you ticked the right box on their website! Newsletters are not SPAM if you signed up for them!

SPAM is email you did NOT agree to receive - and you may have forgotten about agreeing to it!

The use of the word SPAM to describe unsolicited bulk email comes from a Monty Python Sketch in which a group of Vikings sang a chorus of "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM . . . " in an increasing crescendo, drowning out other conversation. In a similar way U.B.E was drowning out normal discourse on the Internet. SPAM is actually a trademark of the Hormel Foods Corporation, but they are being very cool about the new use of this word!

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